Guardian Angel at the Gas Station: A Runner's Tale of Caution

I was in high school on my XC team during COVID the pandemic. Our coach would send us workouts through a messaging app that holds group chats of the teams. We’d have to send a photo or proof we did our workouts such as on an Apple Watch or a distance workout running app. That day I was doing a 6 mile run. I got pretty far from my house and ran along the side walk. I noticed this car parked with the window down. The man inside was calling out to me but I didn’t notice as I was listening to music through my AirPods. Passing by him I glanced but that was it and kept going. As I came across a stop light i obviously stopped but I noticed the same car and guy to my right at the light. I thought coincidence and kept going. He than made a right turn into the parking lot of a mall coming around to watch me. This was when I got the bad feeling and kept running hoping I wouldn’t run into him. He once around followed me and would make a stop whenever he passed me watching me. In a panick I ran to the nearest gas station and went inside. The same guy was waiting outside. The route to go home was through this long small streeet neighborhood and didn’t want to go down that path with him because it was too dangerous. I called my brother to come pick me up but they both were at COVID appointments and so was my dad and my mother. The lady at the gas station noticed me and I explained my situation. She was about to be off and told me to wait behind the counter. As she got off she gave me a ride home. My brothers were home and I explained to them what had happened. I thank god and the sweet lady who took me home that day. If it weren’t for her I’m not sure what i would’ve done or been. From then on my mother would follow me in her car or walk my trail with my brothers.


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