A Terrifying Encounter on the Streets

Some time ago (i was 14) i was walking on the street full of people with my friend and then a random guy walked by me. He wasn't speaking in my native language, he said he saw me in the mall center earlier and he was following me. He complimented my skirt and asked if we can sit down in some quiet place. My friend said "yes" and we went to sit on a bench next to train station (there was no people). I was really scared, I couldn't have move or run away. He was touching my hands, waist and slowly moving his hands to my butt. We were sitting there for like 30 minutes and then my friend did fake police call, and he really fast run away.


  1. I’m so sorry this happened to you thank god your friend made a fake police call

  2. Thank God your friend fake called the police I can't belive such pervs exist

  3. Why do people do this kind of stuff to Kids?!

  4. Why even bothersexual doing sexual stuff to Kids?


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