Family Vacation

So i was 13 and i was on vacation with my mom, dad, brother, and sister we were goi g to that place where the celebrities are like fake somthing like that. On the walk there i was fully dressed cute butterfly bellbottom jeans that were longer than my own legs, a blue bodysuit top, and a litter blue jacket with flare sleeves. Were walking all together having a good time and a tall grown man comes up by me and says "hey tall stuff you fine as hell". I was shook i had no words. My mom then said "keep talking if you wanna go to jail" and he walks away. That was maybe ny first male traumatic event


  1. Hey there I hope you are better now. Many of the people think that they are just "joking" but they can not understand how serious their "jokes" are. Some people out there is so stupid that they can't even think before they say something. I understand you very well and I hope you will be better soon.
    Please try to not think about this situation okay? Hope you'll have a happy life. Love you <3


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