Almost Kidnapped

When I was younger, around 7-8 years old, I was in the mall with my mom. I ended up wandering off too far and I couldn't find her, so I started to cry. A woman came over and told me she knew who my mom was, and she would take me to her. I didn't even have time to say no before she grabbed my wrist and started walking. I saw my mom through the crowd and tried pulling away, but her grip was too strong. She was trying to get me to leave the store with her. I remember screaming and crying until a couple came and chased her off. It was the scariest moment in my life and sometimes I think about what would've happened if they hadn't been there


  1. This also happened to me once but I was a toddler and I was at home. This couple who were moving out next door led me to their house with candy. Apparently nothing can happen to them because they didn't leave with me.


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